"I'm No Longer Here" tells the story of a young local gang leader who is forced to migrate to New York City after a rival gang threatens him and his family.
Category - Movies
A unique, bold reenactment of real life events.
Despite Being filled with misogyny and stereotypes, Scarface still captivates those fascinated by outlaws and the American Dream.
It's hard to deny the beauty of this film, but it isn't without its faults.
Less than 4% of film producers and storytellers in the U.S. are of Latino descent.
The San Diego Latino Film Festival will feature a catalogue of over 150 feature-length films and shorts from all over the world.
The following is part 2 of our interview between Daily Chela contributor Angelica Peña and filmmaker Kareem Tabsch. If you missed it, you can read part 1 of...
I invite any filmmaker to unapologetically tell whatever story they want to tell.
When it comes to "The Help," acknowledging racism is not enough.
Online content will include free Q&A live streams with filmmakers and musical performances.
The following is part 1 of our interview with filmmaker Kareem Tabsch.
"Eh, life's a risk carnal."
NOVEMBER 4th, 2019 (Los Angeles) – On Monday, independent consultant and producer Jordan Michael closed a screenplay option deal with Mexican American...